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  • African countries had the lowest rates of vaccination (6 percent) in the world against the Covid-19 virus. They also had the lowest  mortality from this disease.

    • Even before the covid-19 pandemic, we used to run simulations on emergency-outbreak events (eg. ebola). But still, covid-19 somehow left us caught off-guard. We can try, but we will never know how to be prepared for an event that we will not be able to imagine. 

      • Un peu de littérature scientifique à ce sujet

        -surmortalité considérable par cancer chez les jeunes aux USA dans les suites vaccinales

        (PDF) US -Death Trends for Neoplasms ICD codes: C00-D48, Ages 15-44 (researchgate.net) 

        -“Turbo-cancro indotto dal sacro siero” Lo studio del luminare canadese pubblicato dalla prestigiosa rivista medica: “Cosa succede alle cellule” – DC NEWS

        - Killer Jab? 24% Say Someone They Know Died From COVID-19 Vaccine - Demographics - Rasmussen Reports®

        (PDF) Differential Increases in Excess Mortality in the German Federal States During the COVID-19 Pandemic (researchgate.net) 

        healthdataletter.pdf (ethicalapproach.co.uk) 

        -Statistiques Suisses : doublement des cancers en un an

        Schweiz: «Wir haben eine Verdoppelung der Krebsfälle» - Transition News (transition-news.org)

        -Présence d'énormes quantités d'ADN dans les vacins ARN, cet ADN étant très probablement cancérigène  : Experts Discover Over 200Billion DNA Fragments in a Single Dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine – The Expose (expose-news.com) 

        Mécanismes de cancérogénicité de la vaccnantion ARN :

         Cureus | SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination and the Multi-Hit Hypothesis of Oncogenesis | Article 

        Les cellules cancéreuses prostatiques ont une faculté migratoire accrue après vaccination 

        Cationic solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) complexed with plasmid DNA enhance prostate cancer cells (PC-3) migration - PubMed (nih.gov) 

        J'en ai encore toute une liste. Ce n'est qu'un début...

        • Dear Joel... SO sorry to hear this, One of my close friends (another ophthalmologist who went Alt Med) developed myocarditis immediately after injection #2 - ejection fraction dropped to 30% and he could not walk across a room without becoming SOB. He improved over about a year and a half, but will never be the same.. My late step-mpther had a stroke after #2. I see young patients every week who have "mysterious" sudden appearance of aggressive cancers of all types. Medical minds remain closed to the idea that they have been misled and continue to push "vaxxx" of all types.

          I was active duty US Army in the 70s when the "swine flu" was the thing. I began to question all of the mandated injections then and my paranoia has only increased over time.Our health care system is corrupt beyond redemption in this collapsing empire.

          THE best source for reliable treatment for COVID-19 and vaxxx related injuries is here:


          Wishing the best for you!

          • Friends and colleagues... It is apparent that most do not fully comprehend the vast crimes against Humanity that have been and are being carried out against We-the-99% in the name of depopulation and implementation of a techno-totalitarian fascist world government. The facts are over-whelming and clearly obvious to any who care to research this on their own.

            The US government and its fellow travelers (mainly the 5 Eyes states and the EU) developed (over decades) and deployed (accident or on purpose? it matters not) a bioweapon upon Humanity for its own evil purposes. The plan is still moving forward. 

            Are there increased cancers with COVID-19 and, especially, the experimental gene therapy falsely labelled as a "vaccine"? Absolutely. Excess deaths alone in every country are proof of the crime, but the masses are pacified with excuses like "climate change" or China or Russia or Hamas is responsible. The fact is that the guilty parties remain in power and are still engaged in their psychopathic quest for world domination.

            It is past time to wake up and be aware.. if you value your patients - your family - Humanity - do NOT comply with evil.

            Pardon the rant, but this must be said.

            Do some research - start here...



            • @ Anonymous, COVID-19 group, Rheumatology, France   

              J'espère que quelqu'un répondra !!! Quelques heures se sont écoulées depuis votre message, cher collègue anonyme. L'anonymat est-il aussi un signal ??? J'ai écrit à une époque sans méfiance sur certaines positions prises sur le sujet... sur les silences de spécialistes ou ultra-spécialistes (généticiens moléculaires etc)... cependant je n'ai toujours pas eu de réponses... votre question est "puissante" qui il faudrait quelqu'un d'aussi "puissant" pour dire qu'il étudie le sujet... est-ce suffisant ? Peut être pas. Mais je m'en contenterais aussi... Je suis revenu sur ce réseau social par hasard et votre question me fait "en arrière" et "en avant"... La finalité d'un réseau social médical spécialisé doit être la liberté de pensée, comme ainsi que de la responsabilité personnelle.

              PS : j'ai la nausée d'entendre parler de "scientifiques" "Science" : j'aimerais lire ou entendre parler de la méthode scientifique actuelle, car si on a lu Popper ou Kuhn etc on devrait en être moins sûr ; le doute est une croissance pour moi !

              PPS : peut-être que pour moi et pour ceux qui liront mes bêtises il vaudra mieux rester à l'écart...

              [avec l'aide du traducteur Google]

              • Dear David Manuel Perez , Statistics from Latvia answer Your question.

                What is the morbidity and mortality of covid reinfected unvaccinated people compared to fully vaccinated people in Latvia?

                The incidence of covid in vaccinated people is 3 times higher than the incidence of covid in reinfected unvaccinated people.

                Ministry of Health answer no. 01-23.2/4117 On 28.07.2022 no. A01656-22/23/10766

                Administrative District Courts for the Riga Court House on providing information in administrative case no. A420165622

                16. What is the rate of contracting Covid-19 for unvaccinated people who previously had been infected with covid and vaccinated people?

                From January to July 2022, the reinfection rate of covdi for persons who have contracted covid before and had not received a single dose of vaccination against covid  is 9 508.9 per 100 000 unvaccinated residents who previously had contracted covid.

                The incidence of covid for persons with a completed course of vaccination against covid is 28 365.7 per 100 000 residents with a completed course of vaccination.

                The mortality of vaccinated people from covid in Latvia is twice as high as the mortality of reinfected unvaccinated people.



                Questions 7 and 8. first, third and fourth column.

                By December 2022,  43 014 reinfected people who have not received a single dose of the vaccine have been registered.

                32 of them died from covid. The reported mortality is 2.3 out of 100 000.

                At the same time, by December 2022,  469 998 fully vaccinated people with covid have been registered, of which 508 have died from covid.

                The reported mortality is 4.7 out of 100 000.

                The Ministry of Health answers show that in Latvia unvaccinated people who have recovered from covid get covid 3 times less often than vaccinated people and die if they get covid 2 times less often than vaccinated people.

                These facts are especially important if it is assumed that covid has become an annual seasonal infection.

                • N0! We may have learnt a little but nowhere near enough and we may have been lucky in the Covid-19 pandemic. WHO showed itself to be incompetent and worse, prone to political tinkering, but clearly full, open international co-operation is  the first pre-requisite. Future pandemics may prove entirely different  in terms of severity, and infectivity and our ability to manage with public health measures as isolation, masks and protective suits and treatments such as vaccines. It is unlikely we will ever achieve a uniform source of strong, consistent and reliable medical and scientific guidance but it is desirable to separate the emerging significant evidence from the mass of pundits spreading disinformation and quack theories or conspiracies for whatever reason. Post hoc analyses have blamed many countries and political leaders in their mostly well-meaning, if sometimes confused, efforts to handle Covid but it was the scientific community [with political connivance] who primarily let down the whole international response and were responsible for much higher mortality than deserved.

                  •  Hélas, l'arbre de vie dont vous parlez a effectivement quelques problèmes. Ci dessous une publication scientifique vieille déjà d'un an, je joins le résumé et le lien pour y accéder. Après une reprise au sortir du confinement, la chute de la natalité en 2022, aggravée  en 2023, va dans le sens d'une confirmation des données de cet article. 

                    "Résumé : Objectifs Évaluer les taux d’événements indésirables (EI) après les vaccins contre la COVID-19 chez les femmes en âge de procréer, en se concentrant sur la grossesse et les menstruations, à l’aide des données recueillies par la base de données Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) des Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) des États-Unis. Étude de cohorte rétrospective basée sur la population. Définition des entrées américaines et mondiales dans le système de notification des événements indésirables des vaccins (VAERS) des Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) des États-Unis. Les participants CDC VAERS entrées du 1er janvier 1998 au 30 juin 2022. Interventions aucune. Une analyse du ratio de déclaration proportionnelle est effectuée à l’aide des données du système VAERS comparant les événements indésirables (EI) signalés après la COVID-19 avec ceux des vaccins post-grippaux. Résultats Les vaccins contre la COVID-19, par rapport aux vaccins contre la grippe, sont associés à une augmentation significative des effets indésirables avec des ratios de déclaration tous proportionnels de > 2,0 : anomalies menstruelles, fausse couche, anomalies chromosomiques fœtales, malformation fœtale, hygroma kystique fœtal, troubles cardiaques fœtaux, arythmies fœtales, arrêt cardiaque fœtal, malperfusion vasculaire fœtale, anomalies de croissance fœtale, surveillance anormale fœtale, thrombose placentaire fœtale, Faible taux de liquide amniotique, prééclampsie, accouchement prématuré, rupture prématurée de la membrane, mort fœtale/mortinatalité et mort prématurée du bébé (toutes les valeurs de p étaient beaucoup plus petites que 0,05). Lorsqu’ils sont normalisés en fonction du temps disponible, des doses administrées ou des personnes reçues, tous les effets indésirables du vaccin contre la COVID-19 dépassent de loin le signal d’innocuité de tous les seuils reconnus. Conclusions Les complications de la grossesse et les anomalies menstruelles sont significativement plus fréquentes après la vaccination contre la COVID-19 que la vaccination contre la grippe. Un moratoire mondial sur l’utilisation des vaccins contre la COVID-19 pendant la grossesse est recommandé jusqu’à ce que des essais prospectifs randomisés documentent l’innocuité pendant la grossesse et le suivi à long terme de la progéniture."

                    Cette version est un préprint on line, mais l'article a été publié depuis; le lien vers la publication définitive est visible sur le texte inclus dans le lien ci dessous. 

                     COVID-19 Vaccines: The Impact on Pregnancy Outcomes and Menstrual Function[v2] | Preprints.org 

                    • Toute invention technologique est intéressante; le problème est ce qu'on en fait. A noter que l'invention des arn micro encapsulés a été faite par le Dr Malone il y a 18 ans; ce dernier a exprimé vivement ses craintes sur l'utilisation qui en a été faite.  Concernant cette  utilisation vaccinale spike massive pour la technologie ARN, je diffuse un article scientifique récent,  parmi beaucoup d'autre incitant à la prudence, d'autant que l'évolution bénigne des variants doit rendre encore plus exigeant sur les effets secondaires. Voici le résumé en français, lien vers l'article en fin de commentaire.

                        "La pandémie de COVID-19 a causé de nombreuses maladies, de nombreux décès et de profondes perturbations dans la société. La production de vaccins « sûrs et efficaces » était un objectif clé de santé publique. Malheureusement, des taux sans précédent d’événements indésirables ont éclipsé les avantages. Cette revue narrative en deux parties présente des preuves des méfaits généralisés des vaccins à ARNm et à ADN adénovectoriel contre la COVID-19 et est novatrice en ce qu’elle tente de fournir un aperçu complet des méfaits découlant de la nouvelle technologie des vaccins qui repose sur des cellules humaines produisant un antigène étranger qui présente des preuves de pathogénicité. Ce premier article explore les données évaluées par des pairs qui vont à l’encontre du discours « sûr et efficace » attaché à ces nouvelles technologies. La pathogénicité de la protéine de pointe, appelée « spikeopathie », qu’elle provienne du virus SARS-CoV-2 ou qu’elle soit produite par des codes génétiques vaccinaux, apparentés à un « virus synthétique », est de plus en plus comprise en termes de biologie moléculaire et de physiopathologie. La transfection pharmacocinétique à travers des tissus corporels éloignés du site d’injection par des nanoparticules lipidiques ou des vecteurs viraux signifie que la « spikeopathie » peut affecter de nombreux organes. Les propriétés inflammatoires des nanoparticules utilisées pour transporter l’ARNm ; N1-méthylpseudouridine utilisée pour prolonger la fonction de l’ARNm synthétique ; la biodistribution généralisée des codes ARNm et ADN et des protéines de pointe traduites, ainsi que l’auto-immunité via la production humaine de protéines étrangères, contribuent à des effets nocifs. Cet article passe en revue les effets auto-immuns, cardiovasculaires, neurologiques, oncologiques potentiels et les preuves d’autopsie de la spikeopathie. Avec de nombreuses technologies thérapeutiques basées sur les gènes prévues, une réévaluation est nécessaire et opportune. "

                      'Spikeopathy': COVID-19 Spike Protein Is Pathogenic, from Both Virus and Vaccine mRNA - PubMed (nih.gov)

                      • For two colleagues I thought, for their contributions to the mRNA covid-19 vaccine? 

                        • vaccines are here to stay and covid-19  will be one more vaccine  to take into consideration  as inlfuenza and the others. vaccines.

                          • So... Factcheck is your source for accurate information? Hired by Facebook and Google to attack "misinformation" about COVID-19 and funded by the usual suspects.

                            Believe what you will, but do your own research.

                            The crimes before us are no "theory" they are established fact.

                              • Every etiology should be investigated for DIC. I have given lifetime support for vaccinations but I am not an enthusiast for COVID-19 vaccination (I did accept 2 Pfizers and had a reaction) so I refuse the boosters (unlike me).

                                While some physicians may have experienced PPH with COVID-19 (either disease or vaccination), I worked with COVID-19 patients for 2 years,  and PPH was not my experience. But I respect those who have seen it. 

                                The patients I have seen with PPH (DIC) were COVID-negative.

                                In contrast, I have seen DIC from AFE (amniotic fluid embolism with full features) where an abnormal placenta was present (circumvallate with a velamentous insertion) where the lady had been exposed to multiple toxins. Obviously, the physician can not be liable for that.  I hope this helps.

                                  • These studies of seroprevalence in the Canadian population are highly flawed. They are based on dried blood spot tests using a single marker for SARS-CoV-2 as an antigen, which is the nucleocapsid protein of the virus. About half of COVID-19 patients make little or no antibodies against the nucleocapsid protein. By June 15th of 2020, 90% of healthy adults in the Vancouver area already had antibodies that recognized the spike, nucleocapsid and other SARS-CoV-2 protein as published in the study by Majdoubi et al. (https://doi.org/10.1172/jci.insight.146316). At the time of publication, most of the authors could not believe that such a high rate of prevalence was due to SARS-CoV-2 infection, but subsequent studies have confirmed that three-quarters of the 1600 people in a 4500-person clinical study conducted by Kinexus Bioinformatics that from December 2019 through March 2020 had COVD-19 symptoms, also had antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Essentially 90% of all the Kinexus study participants that were tested in 2020, individually had antibodies against at at least 8 other SARS-CoV-2 proteins beside the spike and nucleocapsid proteins. Another company, Ichor Blood Service, found that in northern Alberta, in La Crete in the Fall of 2021, 89% of unvaccinated individuals were positive SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein antibody (https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/private-covid-19-antibody-tests-la-crete-alberta-1.6307357). The CITF-funded studies suggested a very large increase in seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in the Canadian population only after the emergence of Omicron variants. However, this was likely because the titres of antibodies against the nucleocapsid protein rose high enough to be detected by this insensitive assay upon reinfection. By the end of 2020, most Canadians, prior to COVID-19 vaccination likely already had natural immunity. Over 40% of Canadians that were infected with SARS-CoV-2 had little or no COVID-19 symptoms. The fact of the matter is that the COVID-19 vaccination program did not stop further infections with SARS-CoV-2 nor transmission, and it is really questionable based on controlled clinical studies that they reduced the severity of COVID-19. Reductions in COVID-19 deaths after the appearance of Omicron can be explained by reduced virulence of the Omicron variants and growing acquisition of natural immunity in the Canadian population.

                                    • Of utmost importance would be her FSH, LH, estrogen, progesterone & thyroid function.  Is this abnormal vaginal bleeding or is it precocious puberty? Sounds like it is if there are other signs. I’ve not seen it but McCune-Albright Syndrome (MAS) is a mechanism by which COVID-19 could cause this acquired disorder 


                                      McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS) is a disorder that affects the skin, skeleton, and certain endocrine organs (hormone-producing tissues). Cafe-au-lait spots of the skin are common and are usually the first apparent sign of MAS. The main skeletal feature is fibrous dysplasia, which ranges in severity and can cause various complications. Early skeletal symptoms may include limping, pain, or fracture. Endocrine features may include precocious puberty especially in girls (result of estrogen excess from ovarian cysts), excess growth hormone; thyroid lesions with possible hyperthyroidism; renal phosphate wasting, and, rarely, Cushing syndrome caused by an excess of the hormone cortisol produced by the adrenal glands. MAS is not inherited. MAS is caused by a somatic genetic change in a gene called GNAS, which is acquired after an egg is fertilized and only affects some of the body's cells and tissues.

