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  • Par pitié, protégez nous de l'OMS bien plus que de la maladie X, laissez les infectiologues de terrain faire leur travail correctement dans chaque pays comme il convient. Toutes les décisions prises lors de l'épidémie Covid ont fait infiniment plus de mal que cent variants du covid simultanés. La vaccination génique expérimentale a peut-être protégé quelques personnes âgées en fin de vie lorsque le virus donnait des troubles de la coagulation, mais elle a tué des jeunes, tué des anciens, et en terme d'années de vies gagnées, si on se base sur l'espérance de vie, je crains qu'on soit largement perdants, et je ne parle même pas du coût exorbitant du vaccin arn largement contaminé par de l'adn, ni de ces campagnes de vaccination massives déclenchées par une panique orchestrée, ayant poussé à vacciner massivement des jeunes avec un produit dont ils n'avaient nul besoin. Ce climat d'anxiété, délibérément entretenu alors qu'il n'y a rien de véritablement nouveau sous le soleil, est fait pour permettre la mainmise de l'OMS et des labos de vaccins expérimentaux sur les budgets et la liberté de nos peuples. J'ai les plus grands doutes sur la pureté de leurs intentions.  La pire maladie X, elle a un nom : l'OMS. 

    • A quoi ça sert de vacciner larga manu si la maladie est constatée «  cyclique »   malgré ttes ces vaccinations qui peuvent épuiser le système immunitaire dont les boucles de rétroaction sont imprévisibles ?? Cycle de 7 ans d après votre billet et non «  de 3 à 5 ans »

      • Je suis très favorables aux VRAIS vaccins en général. Enfin, pas tous, certains ont une efficacité à vérifier (grippe, TAB, BCG et quelques autres). Et quand j'écris VRAIS vaccins, vous aurez certainement compris ce à quoi je fais allusion. Je suis moi-même poly-vacciné et y compris pour des pathologies peu fréquentes en France métropolitaine (fièvre jaune par exemple). Ceci étant, mon frère, à jour aussi de tous ses vaccins dont la coqueluche a fait justement une coqueluche en janvier... Malgré les vaccinations, on n'est pas à l'abri.

        • When the vaccines became available, and they were not given at all to physician offices in the USA, that was a huge red flag for me. That they had to set up mass vaccination stations, when the infrastructure already existed to immunize people in their own doctors' offices, in retrospect - what were they afraid of? Truth about the real need, efficacy, and danger of the vaccines?

          • Dear Roger Price, Thanks for the website link. I signed up to learn more.  Health Care and Medical Care are different things, arent' they. Much of Health Care (the methods of avoiding disease)  can be free:  Better nutrition choices, better sleep, better exercise, better stress avoidance.  But some cost money-- dental and vaccines for example.  Figuring out the financing of this, without coercion, will be interesting.  Thank you.

            • Cher  Brendan May  ,

              le problème est la temporalité.3 crises épileptiques dans les 8 jours suivant la vaccination chez des non epileptiques vierges de tout atcd de covid avéré.2 encéphalopathies post vaccinales ? anthony RIO INTERNE DE 24 ANS DCD A NANTES ASTRA ZENECA.....ET POURQUOI PAS LES vaccins.VIOXX 6 A 8 OOO décès en FRANCE 

              LE SURVECTOR  UNE HEPATITE POUR 270 PATIENTS TRAITES et des problèmes d'addiction... ISOMERIDE  MEDIATOR..... 

              nous pouvons nous poser quelques questions meme si elles sont dérangeantes.5 lymphomes et leucémies dont 3 dcd des AVC 3 OAP CHEZ DES JEUNES DE 40 ANS EN 2 ANS 5 PR 14 PPR 16 EMBOLIES PULMONAIRES.37 ans d'exercice du jamais vu..pourquoi  ne pas se poser de questions. des effets indésirables chez des persones n'ayant pas contracté la malasdie pour certains et les non vaccinés non malades

              • Can someone please go through this string and delete the multiple copies of each single comment that seem to be there.

                It seems that cancer rates have gone up, but it could be due to many factors, Covid itself, people's not seeking treatment as early as they might have otherwise, dietary and other changes while stuck at home, etc. etc. 

                There will be risks to the vaccine, but are they greater than the risk of not being vaccinated? This will likely change from one age group to another. We need research, not speculation about individual, or a few cases, that could well be just coincidence. So many people had the vaccine that you would expect to see cases like this by chance. If it isn't by chance then you need much more than a few individual examples to find any pattern.

                As for the physician who said he or she cannot stand science and scientists, then I assume they are not actually a physician. To qualify as a physician you train as a scientist to some extent, even if all you do is keep up to date. Without that knowledge you have no way of understanding various papers and knowing which ones are likely valid to your practice, and which had poor research methodology and therefore should not be given as much consideration.

                • Un peu de littérature scientifique à ce sujet

                  -surmortalité considérable par cancer chez les jeunes aux USA dans les suites vaccinales

                  (PDF) US -Death Trends for Neoplasms ICD codes: C00-D48, Ages 15-44 (researchgate.net) 

                  -“Turbo-cancro indotto dal sacro siero” Lo studio del luminare canadese pubblicato dalla prestigiosa rivista medica: “Cosa succede alle cellule” – DC NEWS

                  - Killer Jab? 24% Say Someone They Know Died From COVID-19 Vaccine - Demographics - Rasmussen Reports®

                  (PDF) Differential Increases in Excess Mortality in the German Federal States During the COVID-19 Pandemic (researchgate.net) 

                  healthdataletter.pdf (ethicalapproach.co.uk) 

                  -Statistiques Suisses : doublement des cancers en un an

                  Schweiz: «Wir haben eine Verdoppelung der Krebsfälle» - Transition News (transition-news.org)

                  -Présence d'énormes quantités d'ADN dans les vacins ARN, cet ADN étant très probablement cancérigène  : Experts Discover Over 200Billion DNA Fragments in a Single Dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine – The Expose (expose-news.com) 

                  Mécanismes de cancérogénicité de la vaccnantion ARN :

                   Cureus | SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination and the Multi-Hit Hypothesis of Oncogenesis | Article 

                  Les cellules cancéreuses prostatiques ont une faculté migratoire accrue après vaccination 

                  Cationic solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) complexed with plasmid DNA enhance prostate cancer cells (PC-3) migration - PubMed (nih.gov) 

                  J'en ai encore toute une liste. Ce n'est qu'un début...

                  • I reported that i had seen a dozen stable melanoma patients develop explosive relapses in late 2022. The letter to the BMJ was not published but it was leaked to many online sources, Since then it has only got worse with many colleagues contacting me from every continent to say they are seeing the same.

                    Scientifically it is due to T cell suppression reported particularly in cancer patients after the third vaccine and IgG class switching to a tolerogenic IgG4 dominant response. This destroys the immune response to the tumour.

                    Even worse for the future are the reports that the spike mRNA binds to p53 and other suppressor genes,

                    • I reported that i had seen a dozen stable melanoma patients develop explosive relapses in late 2022. The letter to the BMJ was not published but it was leaked to many online sources, Since then it has only got worse with many colleagues contacting me from every continent to say they are seeing the same.

                      Scientifically it is due to T cell suppression reported particularly in cancer patients after the third vaccine and IgG class switching to a tolerogenic IgG4 dominant response. This destroys the immune response to the tumour.

                      Even worse for the future are the reports that the spike mRNA binds to p53 and other suppressor genes,

                      • I reported that i had seen a dozen stable melanoma patients develop explosive relapses in late 2022. The letter to the BMJ was not published but it was leaked to many online sources, Since then it has only got worse with many colleagues contacting me from every continent to say they are seeing the same.

                        Scientifically it is due to T cell suppression reported particularly in cancer patients after the third vaccine and IgG class switching to a tolerogenic IgG4 dominant response. This destroys the immune response to the tumour.

                        Even worse for the future are the reports that the spike mRNA binds to p53 and other suppressor genes,

                        • I reported that i had seen a dozen stable melanoma patients develop explosive relapses in late 2022. The letter to the BMJ was not published but it was leaked to many online sources, Since then it has only got worse with many colleagues contacting me from every continent to say they are seeing the same.

                          Scientifically it is due to T cell suppression reported particularly in cancer patients after the third vaccine and IgG class switching to a tolerogenic IgG4 dominant response. This destroys the immune response to the tumour.

                          Even worse for the future are the reports that the spike mRNA binds to p53 and other suppressor genes,

                          • I reported that i had seen a dozen stable melanoma patients develop explosive relapses in late 2022. The letter to the BMJ was not published but it was leaked to many online sources, Since then it has only got worse with many colleagues contacting me from every continent to say they are seeing the same.

                            Scientifically it is due to T cell suppression reported particularly in cancer patients after the third vaccine and IgG class switching to a tolerogenic IgG4 dominant response. This destroys the immune response to the tumour.

                            Even worse for the future are the reports that the spike mRNA binds to p53 and other suppressor genes,

                            • I reported that i had seen a dozen stable melanoma patients develop explosive relapses in late 2022. The letter to the BMJ was not published but it was leaked to many online sources, Since then it has only got worse with many colleagues contacting me from every continent to say they are seeing the same.

                              Scientifically it is due to T cell suppression reported particularly in cancer patients after the third vaccine and IgG class switching to a tolerogenic IgG4 dominant response. This destroys the immune response to the tumour.

                              Even worse for the future are the reports that the spike mRNA binds to p53 and other suppressor genes,

                              • I reported that i had seen a dozen stable melanoma patients develop explosive relapses in late 2022. The letter to the BMJ was not published but it was leaked to many online sources, Since then it has only got worse with many colleagues contacting me from every continent to say they are seeing the same.

                                Scientifically it is due to T cell suppression reported particularly in cancer patients after the third vaccine and IgG class switching to a tolerogenic IgG4 dominant response. This destroys the immune response to the tumour.

                                Even worse for the future are the reports that the spike mRNA binds to p53 and other suppressor genes,

                                • Dear Dotson Robert Scott,  it gave me fuckin' AML. I got it ~ 4 months after getting the last vaccine.

                                  • Friends and colleagues... It is apparent that most do not fully comprehend the vast crimes against Humanity that have been and are being carried out against We-the-99% in the name of depopulation and implementation of a techno-totalitarian fascist world government. The facts are over-whelming and clearly obvious to any who care to research this on their own.

                                    The US government and its fellow travelers (mainly the 5 Eyes states and the EU) developed (over decades) and deployed (accident or on purpose? it matters not) a bioweapon upon Humanity for its own evil purposes. The plan is still moving forward. 

                                    Are there increased cancers with COVID-19 and, especially, the experimental gene therapy falsely labelled as a "vaccine"? Absolutely. Excess deaths alone in every country are proof of the crime, but the masses are pacified with excuses like "climate change" or China or Russia or Hamas is responsible. The fact is that the guilty parties remain in power and are still engaged in their psychopathic quest for world domination.

                                    It is past time to wake up and be aware.. if you value your patients - your family - Humanity - do NOT comply with evil.

                                    Pardon the rant, but this must be said.

                                    Do some research - start here...



                                    • Ma patiente la plus âgée , non vaccinée a cause d’allergies multiples est décédée d’un cancer du pancréas juste après le Covid 

                                      La méthodologie utilisée pour prouver l’imputabilité d’un médicament ou vaccin dans la survenue d’un cancer me paraît stupide 

                                      A la base , l’évidence based médecine et ses modèles mathématiques sont issus de l’industrie aux USA et diffusés à travers le monde par le biais de revues très fermées , avec des postes universitaires à la clé de publications 

                                      Or l’être humain est unique , son parcours est unique et la survenue d’une maladie est toujours multifactorielle surtout le cancer : environnement, stress, génétique ……Les modèles mathématiques sont dépassés par le multifactoriel : ce qui donne des résultats d’études souvent contradictoires, trop nombreuses et donc inutilisable par le praticien 

                                      On a alors inventé les metaanalyses , pour arriver à des conclusions et recommandations 

                                      Et maintenant tout cela est brassé par l’intelligence artificielle qui sort des aberrations que nous ne saurons plus critiquer 

                                      Arrêtons de gaspiller de l’argent avec ces systèmes stupides et utilisons cet argent pour soigner la population et fabriquer les médicaments de base dont nous avons besoin et dont nous connaissons bien les effets , mais qui manquent de plus en plus souvent 

                                      Bien sûr il faut s’occuper des maladies rares , complexes, nouvelles , mais il faut pouvoir soigner les pathologies courantes , avoir accès aux médicaments adéquats que nous connaissons depuis des dizaines d’années 

                                      Si ça n’est pas le cas , les patients se tournent vers des médecines alternatives , dont on ne connaît ni les effets , ni les effets secondaires , ni les interactions avec la médecine traditionnelle et qui ruinent les patients les plus modestes , sensibles aux gourous et leurs méthodes miracles et chères 

