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  • When the vaccines became available, and they were not given at all to physician offices in the USA, that was a huge red flag for me. That they had to set up mass vaccination stations, when the infrastructure already existed to immunize people in their own doctors' offices, in retrospect - what were they afraid of? Truth about the real need, efficacy, and danger of the vaccines?

    • Dear Roger Price, Thanks for the website link. I signed up to learn more.  Health Care and Medical Care are different things, arent' they. Much of Health Care (the methods of avoiding disease)  can be free:  Better nutrition choices, better sleep, better exercise, better stress avoidance.  But some cost money-- dental and vaccines for example.  Figuring out the financing of this, without coercion, will be interesting.  Thank you.

      • Cher  Brendan May  ,

        le problème est la temporalité.3 crises épileptiques dans les 8 jours suivant la vaccination chez des non epileptiques vierges de tout atcd de covid avéré.2 encéphalopathies post vaccinales ? anthony RIO INTERNE DE 24 ANS DCD A NANTES ASTRA ZENECA.....ET POURQUOI PAS LES vaccins.VIOXX 6 A 8 OOO décès en FRANCE 

        LE SURVECTOR  UNE HEPATITE POUR 270 PATIENTS TRAITES et des problèmes d'addiction... ISOMERIDE  MEDIATOR..... 

        nous pouvons nous poser quelques questions meme si elles sont dérangeantes.5 lymphomes et leucémies dont 3 dcd des AVC 3 OAP CHEZ DES JEUNES DE 40 ANS EN 2 ANS 5 PR 14 PPR 16 EMBOLIES PULMONAIRES.37 ans d'exercice du jamais vu..pourquoi  ne pas se poser de questions. des effets indésirables chez des persones n'ayant pas contracté la malasdie pour certains et les non vaccinés non malades

        • I would leave the PortCath in place only if the clotting has fully resolved. I would also check time since any covid vaccines which have been associated with significant increase in thrombotic events

          • Algorithms have the biases of their programmers . One can see the absolute mess that Googles attempt at AI revealed. The left's concept of disinformation  isn't always well founded. Claiming that masks were effective against Covid was disinformation. Claiming the vaccines were safe and would prevent infections was disinformation. Yet these statements were broadcast as truth while other valid opinions were censored. 

             Twitter(X) presents an excellent model. Speech isnt censored but if statements are inaccurate, well resourced rebuttals are posted as well. John Adams said "The answer to bad speech is more speech."  Governments and medical systems should not be controlled by left wing thought police. We have a political crisis in Academia as high ranking professors are often bought by Pharmaceutical companies  or replace evidence based medicine with DEI diatribes . 

               What we don't want is any Central entity deciding what thoughts and opinions we should have.


            • "Increasing influenza vaccination rates is a public health priority."


              No, it is not. The stupidity of this constant push to poison the masses is sickening. 

              Why anyone turns to JAMA for information is beyond me.

              Katherine Watt covers the vaxxx issues very well:



              • We can only combat misinformation with more information. Not least because Big Pharma together with Big Reviews are the main source of all sorts of misinformation, disguised under 'high-quality scientifical research'. The list of examples is long. It is interesting how Big Pharma and Big Reviews are constantly struggling for their rights on being the single source of health/medical misinformation. Just remember that the fraudulent article linking vaccines to autism took decades to be retracted - it had been too profitable to Big Review to have had been cancelled much earlier. 

                • Dear Dr. Ira Tschanun:  I read the recommended articles and as is usual with most researchers, despite having found evidence of harm from mRNA vaccines, no one dares to give a final verdict. As usual, it is always "suggested" that others assess its cost/benefit. So, when ?.

                  • A good topic to discuss. It is incredible that after 4 years we continue with the same uncertainty, regarding the disease itself and especially the vaccines and their side effects, which makes me return to my question from weeks ago in this same forum: do we apply them? Do we recommend them? Do we veto them? Yes or no? Hopefully we can listen to the opinions of doctors worldwide and not just those of governments or the laboratories themselves. Was the remedy worse than the disease?

                    • Hint: never lose contact with 'basic' medicine. It is terrible to read papers bureaucractically written by somebody who does not know what real medicine means. Quickly automatic phrases such as 'statistics prove', 'statistics show' trigger dumb, automatic responses, easily manipulated by Big Pharma. You can perfectly do a morning or an afternoon shift at a prompt-attendance or have outpatients once or twice a week. It won´t interfere down in your valuable paper works, and it will keep you wise in the sense what medicine really needs. Covid showed this. Too much articles, too much science, but very few studies on what was needed: precicious treatment and vaccines for 50+ patients. Exactly due to a paperwork mind, automatically researches had put <50 year-old people in the samples, blurring the results a lot. The few ones correctly designed disclosed, lately, for example, that fluvoxamine might have saved 30% of those older patients. And what about colchicine, ivermectin, vitamin D, precocious corticoids, dutasteride...?

                      • La médecine de tiers monde en marche. Qui plus est, tout le monde sait que le danger d'une évolution vers des cabines de délivrance d'arrêt de travail est réel, l'éloignement et la relation dépersonnalisée peut favoriser ce genre de dérive. Pauvre France...Il vaut mieux une téléconsultation que rien du tout, mais c'est consternant d'en arriver là. De toute façon, en cas de pandémie, de vaccin expérimental obligatoire, gageons que les télé médecins non vaccinés seront de nouveau interdits également de téléconsultation. Ubu en marche. 

                        • Be careful with this label - antivax. Here in Brazil, the Medical Council has measures against doctors who spread misinformation, that is, wrog information spread out intentionally. But Big Pharma does not like any debate, and vaccines entered into this category since the fraudulent manuscripts linking the small amount of mercury in some old vaccines to autism and other complex diseases (the fact that the review took decades to withdraw the manuscript is not discussed here, but was a question of profits and market, anyway). So, one thing is an industry to develop, for example, a vaccine against varicella. The other thing is to immediately indicating it to children, not taking into consideration that a previsible consequence will be the rise of varicella in adulthood, much more dangerous. One thing is an industry to develop a vaccine against zoster. The other thing is to consider zoster a significant problem in public health and makes the governments spend billions in such useless vaccine. Covid only worsened things: to broadcast a new high-tech vaccines (mRNA), the dangerous and strange side effects have been hidden, in an unacceptable protection of the interests of Big Pharma and against the population safety. But I know what you speak about: I had to dennounce a doctor who was spreading that PrEP was not more commonly used because of the 'PrEP haters' - the Medical Council called him and now he speaks on a more serious basis. 

                          • Brazil merged into the absurd of adding covid vaccines to the normal infantile calendar. Me and several colleagues are against it. I guess most of the pediatricians here are, since we read in the news that less than half of the children has been covid-vaccinated. Those experts in internet make us to feel safer in doing the correct thing, in correctly informing our small patients regarding the unnecessity of such. 

                            • To whom it may concern- mRNA vaccines. Genetic therapy is a reality, doesn’t matter where it’s applied. It’s the future treatment of almost all diseases. Nobody complains about CRISPR, CAR T cells, TILL therapy, AAV-5 , BB305 and others.  Sickle cell disease, many cancer treatments, leucemias and melanomas use them and CTLA4/ PD1 too. It’s really true that they are still crawling but they would get there. Some adverse events, serious , can happen but, as Thalidomide, they will be cleared. Any step , big or small, in phisiology, biólogy , Medical care, is fascinating to me…..mRNA((Pzifer/ Moderna) or Adenovirus(Astra/ Jannsen) saved millions and millions lives around the world. I have had all the 5 doses of Covid vacines, as well my whole family( mRNA or Adenovírus) and no VITT, G. Barré, Bell’s Palsy , Miocarditis, Pericarditis or any others serious adverse events ocurred neither in my private practice nor in my family. Otherwise, I saw family members and friends  dying of Covid because didn’t get vaccination or ,when vaccinated, they already were sick .I know that this adverses event sometimes may be fatals. But they aren’t so frequently.This the fact. Facts are facts. That’ the reason why I insist in Covid’ vaccination, doesn’t matter how. Excuse me it I was unpleasant saying “crazy people”. It was not my intention…Anderson Baltar.

                              • Dear Francisco Javier Arֳ³stegui Sֳ¡nchez,

                                With all do respect, it's a big mistake to compare the well established vaccines we have, with those in question. It's a totally different mechanism, witch we have never tested before. 

                                It is very important to regard that science cannot be science without dissent. Unfortunately, censorship played a big role and make itself a very effective tool to address some priorities, and we even have to avoid some words to express ourselves.

                                Some unwanted effects might be unnoticed because the growing list is not acknowledged to every Doctor, some will be more evident in a close future. It's hard to know that pregnant women were said to be completely safe to be vaxxed, and today it is not recommended to the majority of them.

                                We all must do our homework, and Epidemiology can not be neglected, Excess Deaths around the World are pointing to a very unpleasant trend, especially during today's Omicron period. It's clear that, fortunately, we are not losing our patients to Covid. If the Excess Deaths are soaring in younger ages, why it's not properly addressed? 

                                • Dear ROBERTO DOGLIA AZAMBUJA, if you are against the mRNA vaccines there are also vaccines that are non-mRNA..

                                  • Honestly these are not vaccines in the strict sense of the term. They were not sufficiently proved to be effective and they obviously cause undesirable and severe effects, which are hidden by the press and medical authorities. No other vaccine in history is linked to so serious and frequent effects, such as myocarditis, thrombosis, heart attack, Guillain-Barré syndrome, cancers and others due to the spike protein, lipid nanoparticles and IgG4 antibody.  Never were so often observed athletes and children sudden deaths, those  receiving the second or third dosis. I have been all my life  totally for vaccines, I myself received all of them, but these products are gene therapy, not immunogenic agents. Sorry if you consider me antivax. These are real facts.

                                    • I'm a Pediatrician. Proud disciple of Professor César Pernetta. Our Creator is and will continue to be original. It does not repeat a single edition of life. Children are developing beings. Each one obeying in this differentiation the baggage of its chip (DNA). The pandemic in my country was politicized. Lots of alarmism and little information. I am formally against injecting any genome into an organism in full development and differentiation, with vaccines still experimental. If I have to recommend it, I will do so with those with attenuated viruses. I understand that vaccines with genetic load in children, the risks are much greater than the benefits. That's what I do.

